Chrome Tapware: The Timeless Pioneer


Chrome – we love it. From the classic bathroom to contemporary and modern designs, you can never go wrong with chrome because it’s just so versatile. But, it doesn’t stop at the bathroom – it’s still a popular choice for the kitchen and laundry to create a cohesive design that complements the entire home. We take a look at why chrome tapware and fixtures are still the go-to option for the modern home:

It’s Timeless

Many might say it is a safe option for tapware and fixtures, particularly with the rise of trending styles such as matte black and rose gold. But, a safe choice is not necessarily a bad one! Chrome is a colour that will suit any style bathroom, traditional or modern, as it adds a touch of subtle sparkle, giving the room a clean and fresh appeal.

It’s Easy To Clean

There’s no doubt that chrome is an easy metal to keep clean and maintain as its smooth protective finish makes it durable against corrosion and easy to wipe over. This is also means that smudges, scratches and fingerprints aren’t as visible helping it retain its shiny luster for longer. Unlike other metals such as copper and brass, chrome doesn’t tarnish either which certainly takes the hard-work out of regular scrubbing to maintain its look!

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It’s Available In All Shapes And Sizes

Due to its long-standing history as a popular choice for both the bathroom and household, it has been crafted in many different shapes and sizes over time to adapt to trends and styles. Therefore, you have a wide variety to choose from to compliment your personal style! The beauty about chrome tapware is that it can be made a statement piece, or its presence can be toned down to purely act as a functional element to support features such as the basin.

When choosing tapware for your home, particularly the bathroom, it is important to consider which colour and finish will tie the whole look together. There is a wealth of options out there, but always remember the quiet achiever – chrome – a classic that will never go out of style.